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Ripple’s XRP Poised for a Triumphant Return to Coinbase? Legal Chiefs’ Secret Meeting Sparks Hope and Speculation Among Crypto Enthusiasts

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  • Coinbase and Ripple legal chiefs held a recent offsite meeting, leading to assumptions about XRP’s relisting on the crypto exchange.
  • The US crypto industry is in a regulatory battle to attain clear regulations from the SEC and CFTC.

Coinbase and Ripple Legal Chiefs Meet Amid Regulatory Battle

Coinbase and Ripple legal chiefs’ recent offsite meeting has raised several assumptions among the community about the possibility of XRP’s relisting on the crypto exchange. Paul Grewal, Chief Legal Officer at Coinbase, recently mentioned the meeting with Ripple’s Chief Legal Officer, Stuart Alderoty, and stated that they should have such meetings more often in the future. Alderoty appreciated the time they spent talking with Ripple’s legal team.

The meeting between the two giants comes amid a regulatory battle to attain clear regulations from the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC).

Coinbase and Ripple Seek Regulatory Clarity

Coinbase, the biggest crypto exchange in the US, went international as it is waiting for clear rules from the SEC. The exchange filed a lawsuit against the SEC and asked the watchdog to share a response to its months-old petition publicly.

Coinbase is seeking clarity from the commission on proposing and adopting rules to govern the regulation of securities that were traded and offered via digitally native methods. Meanwhile, Ripple Labs and its executives are waiting for a summary judgment in the long-running lawsuit with the SEC.

As the US crypto industry is in a regulatory battle to attain clear regulations from the SEC and CFTC, the meeting between Coinbase and Ripple’s legal chiefs hints at a possible collaboration amid the regulatory uncertainty. The community is curious to see if Coinbase will relist XRP on its platform, and the meeting between the two legal chiefs has sparked speculation about XRP’s relisting on the exchange.

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Marcel Knobloch
Marcel Knobloch
Marcel is the managing partner of ETHNews and is also known as Collin Brown in the crypto community. He is a seasoned Bitcoin investor who entered the crypto scene during its early stages and has since become a veteran trader in both the cryptocurrency and forex markets. His journey began in 2012 when he made his first investment in Bitcoin, marking the beginning of his deep-rooted passion for blockchain technology and digital assets. With a mission to demystify the intricacies of blockchain for the masses, Marcel endeavors to bring the world of cryptocurrencies closer to everyone. His insightful reports are dedicated to shedding light on the latest developments and innovations within the realms of Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple (XRP), IOTA, VeChain, Cardano, Hedera, and numerous other cryptocurrencies. Marcel's in-depth analysis and commitment to providing accessible information make him a trusted source for both novice and experienced crypto enthusiasts. Marcel's academic background includes a Master's Degree in Business Education, which has equipped him with a solid foundation in financial markets and investment strategies. Over the past decade, he has amassed invaluable experience working with various startups across the globe, enriching his knowledge and understanding of the ever-evolving cryptocurrency landscape. With his wealth of expertise and dedication to empowering others with crypto knowledge, Marcel continues to be a driving force in the cryptocurrency community. Business Email: [email protected] Phone: +49 160 92211628