HomeNewsVeChain Impresses Investors at Consensus 2023 with State-of-the-Art Technology and Global Sustainability...

VeChain Impresses Investors at Consensus 2023 with State-of-the-Art Technology and Global Sustainability Efforts

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    • VeChain has seen global adoption and accelerated growth in Hong Kong.
    • The network has processed 140 million transactions for leading Fortune 500 operations, while maintaining eco-friendliness with its use of two coins.

VeChain’s accelerated growth in Hong Kong

VeChain has seen global adoption since its creation and is still well-positioned for continuous growth and usage across different parts of the world. The network’s adoption in Hong Kong, one of China’s most popular and culturally diverse regions, has notably accelerated over the years. As a result, VeChain (VET) has been carrying out network-related activities in the region for more than 5 years, offering its services to a large number of enterprises in Hong Kong and nurturing the region’s economy.

VeChain’s groundbreaking milestone and commitment to remaining green

VeChain has achieved a groundbreaking milestone by processing 140 million transactions on the network for leading Fortune 500 operations. This places VeChain on its way to becoming one of the world’s most revolutionary blockchains. While regulatory policies around the world are still very rigid, VeChain remains committed to building the foundations of what it refers to as the “greatest digital revolution since the dawn of the internet” straight from its European Headquarters and Tech Centre.

VeChain is also committed to maintaining eco-friendliness with its use of two coins to smoothly run the global supply chain ecosystem. In a recent report, VeChain was highlighted as the greenest blockchain technology, with a year-to-date total of only 1,789.58 kg in carbon emissions. A single transaction on the network consumes an estimated 0.000216 kWh, less than half of the energy used by other blockchains.

VeChain’s core network, which hosts 101 author nodes, only contributed 4.46 t CO2e/year to the global carbon footprint. With the world moving towards a more sustainable path, VeChain is poised to outperform in the nearest future.

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Godfrey Benjamin
Godfrey Benjamin
Godfrey Benjamin is an experienced crypto journalist whose primary goal is to educate everyone about the prospects of Web 3.0. His love for crypto was sparked during his time as a former banker when he recognized the clear advantages of decentralized money over traditional payments. Business Email: [email protected] Phone: +49 160 92211628